The Quantum Grail Reading Group Guide

  1. John and Nia are polar opposites in many ways, but what do they have in common?

  2. Put yourself in John’s shoes when it comes to personal loss and senseless devastation he experienced in war. Would you be distrustful of the government and take matters into your own hands to save your loved ones?

  3. How does John’s PTSD affect his coping mechanisms, particularly when it comes to the loss of his daughter?

  4. How are John and Claire different when it comes to dealing with Jenny’s tragedy? How does it contribute to their separation? Do you believe there is such a thing as “closure” when it comes to loss and grief?

  5. Discuss Nia’s childhood. How does it affect how she behaves as an adult?

  6. How do you feel about John extracting Nia from the CIA safe house? How do you feel about Nia refusing to help John in the water treatment plant?

  7. How does John’s and Nia’s relationship change over time? What impact does Jenny’s death have on this change?

  8. Discuss John’s regrets about the past and worry of the future? Do you share some of his outlooks on life? Do you feel you are present in the moment enough?

  9. Compare John’s relationship with his other Navy SEAL Teammates, particularly Mason, Danny, and Landry. How are these men similar and how are they different?

  10. Discuss John’s angst when it comes to the rapid advancements in technology? What do you fear the most about our changing world?

  11. Discuss John’s decision in his final chapter? Do you agree with it? How do his haunting regrets of nine hostage children impact that decision?

  12. What do you think Nia does next in her life? Will she find a purpose? Will she be happy?